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About Us

First Trust Portfolios L.P. and its affiliate First Trust Advisors L.P. (collectively "First Trust") were established in 1991 with a mission to offer trusted investment products and advisory services. We're inspired every day by how financial professionals and their customers use our products and services to define goals, solve problems and develop long-term strategies.

Core Principles

Everyone in our company is encouraged to work diligently and respectfully to deliver superior products, services and results. This philosophy is carried through to our approach to investing. Our approach is simple, and our company was built with these core principles in mind:

Know what you own - When it comes to investing, it is critical to know what you own. We believe that transparency is enormously valuable in aiding investors and financial professionals in making informed investment decisions.

Invest for the long-term - We view market timing as an investment strategy that results in undue risk. Because it is virtually impossible for even the most experienced investors to predict market movements with certainty and consistency, we believe investors are best served by following a well considered, long-term strategy.

Employ discipline - Disciplined investing does not guarantee a profit or protect against loss, but it does reduce the probability of making emotional investing decisions which can result in entering or leaving the market at precisely the wrong time.

Rebalance - Over time, the asset mix in a portfolio can begin to drift from its original allocation. Rebalancing "forces" you to periodically reset your portfolio back to its intended allocation. By setting a pattern of rebalancing, you become accustomed to taking profits from winners and adding to losers. This process has the added benefit of helping to remove emotion and avoid the temptation to chase performance or shy away from value.

We take these investing principles into consideration in all aspects of our business. Our reputation has been built on these principles and our reputation is everything. We have a relentless focus on the needs of financial professionals and their customers in fulfilling our mission to provide original ideas, inventive products and the highest level of service.

First Trust Around The World
United States First Trust Portfolios L.P. | Registered Broker/Dealer specializing in UITs, ETFs, CEFs, Mutual Funds, VAs, and Structured Investments Distribution. First Trust Advisors L.P. | Registered Investment Advisor, CPO and CTA specializing in Asset Management. Canada FT Portfolios Canada Co. | Registered with the Ontario Securities Commission as an investment fund manager and specializes in ETFs for the Canadian marketplace. Europe First Trust Global Portfolios Limited | Authorized and regulated by the UK FinancialConduct Authority that distributes and markets a range of ETFs and funds for the European marketplace. Also a U.S. Registered Investment Advisor, CPO and CTA. First Trust Global Portfolios Management Limited | Authorized and regulated by the Central Bank of Ireland (“CBI”) that distributes and markets a range of ETFs and funds for the European marketplace. Latin America First Trust ETFs are available to institutional investors in Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Peru, Mexico and Uruguay.
Some are also cross-listed on the international segment of the Bolsa Mexicana de Valores and/or the Bolsa Institucional de Valores. An offshore suite of UCITS ETFs and open-end mutual fund are available to non-US investors.
Japan First Trust Japan GK | Established in 2023, Registered as Financial Instruments Intermediary Service Providers (Director General of the Kanto Local financial Bureau (Kinchu) No. 1035) under the sponsorship of Teneo Partners Japan Limited, a registered financial instruments business operator. Israel Monarch Global Partners, LLC | Performs marketing and solicitation services for First Trust ETFs.