
FT Vest 米国株マックスバッファーETF‐3月

FT Vest U.S. Equity Max Buffer ETF - March




当ファンドは、約1年間(以下「ターゲットアウトカム期間」)にわたり、SPDR® S&P 500® ETF Trust(SPY)のプライスリターン(手数料および費用控除前)に連動することを目指し、事前に定められた収益の上限まで投資家に提供する一方、最大限のバッファー(手数料および費用控除前)を提供します。2024年3月27日から2025年3月21日までのターゲットアウトカム期間において、当ファンドはSPYの損失に対し100%までのバッファーと9.23%のキャップ付き収益の提供を目指します。ファンドの手数料と経費を考慮すると、 ファンドのキャップは 8.39%、バッファーは 99.16% です。



Cboe BZX
Bank of New York Mellon Corp
First Trust Advisors L.P.
Vest Financial, LLC


ビッド/アスク・スプレッド中央値は、過去 30 日の各取引日の10 秒間隔終了時点における全米最良気配(NBBO)を特定し、各買値と売値の差額をNBBOの中間値で割って算出されます。これらの値の中央値がパーセンテージで表示され、小数点以下は四捨五入されます。
市場価格の 52週高値・安値
$30.29 / $28.76
基準価額の 52週高値・安値
$30.28 / $28.74




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SPDR® S&P 500® ETF Trust
2024/03/27 - 2025/03/21
9.23% (8.39%)
100.00% (99.16%)
バッファー開始% / 原資産価格
0.00% / $518.81
バッファー終了% / 原資産価格
-100.00% / $0.00


時点 2024/09/18 at 4:00 午後 ET
184 日数
$30.29 / 4.24%
$561.34 / 8.20%
4.40% (3.98%)
95.54% (95.13%)
-4.46% (-4.87%)
未実現オプション・ペイオフ (ネット)
3.40% (2.99%)


ネット - 委託手数料、売買手数料、税金、ファンドの運用報酬に含まれない特別経費を除いて、経費控除後の金額。 参照資産 - ファンドの投資対象となるETF、または、FLEX オプション価格のベースとなる ETF。 アウトカム期間 - FLEX オプションが購入されてから満期を迎えるまでの期間。 ファンドキャップ率 - ターゲット・アウトカム期間の終了時にファンドが提供できる最大リターン。 バッファー - ターゲット・アウトカム期間の初日から最終日まで株式を保有し続ける際にファンドが回避できる下落率。 期間開始時のファンド価額 - ターゲット・アウトカム期間開始時のファンド基準価額 ファンドキャップ値(ネット) - ターゲット・アウトカム期間の終了時にファンドが実現できる最大値。 期間開始時の原資産価格 - ターゲット・アウトカム期間開始時の原資産価格 原資産のキャップ値 - ターゲット・アウトカム期間の終了時に、ファンドが達成できるの原資産の最大値。 バッファー開始/バッファー終了 - 表示されているパーセンテージは、バッファーが回避しようとする、経費控除前の参照資産の価格リターンに対する損失範囲を表しています。この数値は、バッファ範囲の開始と終了のトリガーとなる参照資産の値を表します。 アウトカム期間終了までの日数 - ターゲット・アウトカム期間の終了までの残り日数。 ファンド価額/リターン - ターゲット・アウトカム期間の開始以降のファンド価額と価格リターン。 原資産価格/リターン - ターゲット・アウトカム期間の開始以降の参考資産価額と価格リターン。 残存キャップ率 - ファンド価額に基づき、参照資産が上限値を達すか上回ると仮定して、ターゲット・アウトカム期間終了まで保有した場合の潜在的な最大リターン。 キャップを達するまでの原資産上昇率 - ファンドが残存キャップのリターンを実現するために現在必要な参照資産のリターン。 残存バッファー率 - ファンドの現在価値に基づき、ファンドが明示したバッファーの現在残存額。 バッファー開始までの下落率 - ファンド価値に基づき、バッファが発動するまでのファンドの損失許容範囲。 バッファー終了を達するまでの原資産下落率 - 参照資産の現在価値からバッファー終了までの損失許容範囲。 未実現オプション・ペイオフ - ファンド価額に基づき、現在の参照資産価値が変化しないと仮定し、ターゲット・アウトカム期間終了まで保有した場合の、経費控除前のファンドの潜在的な価格リターン。これは、ファンドのバッファ範囲を形成する原資産オプションの内在的価値によるものです。 注意事項 - 表示されているファンド価額は、記載された日時におけるファンドのビッド/アスクの中間値に基づいています。



Market Data by Xignite



ファンド・パフォーマンス * 3ヶ月 年初来 1年 3年 5年 10年 設定来
基準価額(NAV) 3.07% N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 4.10%
市場価格 3.17% N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 4.17%
指数パフォーマンス ** 3ヶ月 年初来 1年 3年 5年 10年 設定来
S&P 500® Index 7.39% N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 9.18%

設定日 2024/03/26


ファンド・パフォーマンス * 3ヶ月 年初来 1年 3年 5年 10年 設定来
基準価額(NAV) 2.27% N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 2.48%
市場価格 1.78% N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 2.24%
指数パフォーマンス ** 3ヶ月 年初来 1年 3年 5年 10年 設定来
S&P 500® Index 4.28% N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 5.32%

設定日 2024/03/26

* 表示されているパフォーマンスデータは過去のものです。過去のパフォーマンスは将来の結果を保証するものではなく、現在のパフォーマンスは過去のパフォーマンスより高かったり低かったりします。投資収益および元本価値は変動するため、ファンドを売却または償還する際、元の価格より高くなる場合もあれば、低くなる場合もあります。

Returns do not represent the returns you would receive if you traded shares at other times. Market Price returns are determined by using the midpoint of the national best bid offer price ("NBBO") as of the time that the fund's NAV is calculated. Returns are average annualized total returns, except those for periods of less than one year, which are cumulative.

** Performance information for each listed index is for illustrative purposes only and does not represent actual fund performance. Indexes do not charge management fees or brokerage expenses, and no such fees or expenses were deducted from the performance shown. Indexes are unmanaged and an investor cannot invest directly in an index.

S&P 500® Index - The Index is an unmanaged index of 500 companies used to measure large-cap U.S. stock market performance.



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  2023 2024/01/01 - 2024/03/31 2024/04/01 - 2024/06/30 2024/07/01 - 2024/09/30
プレミアムで取引された日数 -- 2 46 20
ディスカウントで取引された日数 -- 0 17 35



2025-03-21 SPDR® S&P 500® ETF Trust C 5.19
2025-03-21 SPDR® S&P 500® ETF Trust P 518.81
2025-03-21 SPDR® S&P 500® ETF Trust C 566.70

現金を除きます。 保有証券は変更される可能性があります。



You should consider the fund's investment objectives, risks, and charges and expenses carefully before investing. You can download a prospectus or summary prospectus, or contact First Trust Portfolios L.P. at 1-800-621-1675 to request a prospectus or summary prospectus which contains this and other information about the fund. The prospectus or summary prospectus should be read carefully before investing.

You could lose money by investing in a fund. An investment in a fund is not a deposit of a bank and is not insured or guaranteed. There can be no assurance that a fund's objective(s) will be achieved. Investors buying or selling shares on the secondary market may incur customary brokerage commissions. Please refer to each fund's prospectus and Statement of Additional Information for additional details on a fund's risks. The order of the below risk factors does not indicate the significance of any particular risk factor.

There can be no assurance that an active trading market for fund shares will develop or be maintained.

Unlike mutual funds, shares of the fund may only be redeemed directly from a fund by authorized participants in very large creation/redemption units. If a fund's authorized participants are unable to proceed with creation/redemption orders and no other authorized participant is able to step forward to create or redeem, fund shares may trade at a premium or discount to a fund's net asset value and possibly face delisting and the bid/ask spread may widen.

A new buffer is established at the beginning of each Target Outcome Period and is dependent on prevailing market conditions. As a result, the buffer may rise or fall from one Target Outcome Period to the next and is unlikely to remain the same for consecutive Target Outcome Periods.

A fund that uses FLEX Options to employ a "target outcome strategy" has characteristics unlike many other traditional investment products and may not be appropriate for all investors. There can be no guarantee that a target outcome fund will be successful in its strategy to buffer against losses. A shareholder may lose their entire investment. In the event an investor purchases shares after the first day of the target outcome period defined in the fund's prospectus ("Target Outcome Period") or sells shares prior to the end of the Target Outcome Period, the buffer that a fund seeks to provide may not be available.

A new cap is established at the beginning of each Target Outcome Period and is dependent on prevailing market conditions. As a result, the cap may rise or fall from one Target Outcome Period to the next and is unlikely to remain the same for consecutive Target Outcome Periods.

A target outcome fund will not participate in gains beyond the cap. In the event an investor purchases fund shares after the first day of a Target Outcome Period and the fund has risen in value to a level near the cap, there may be little or no ability for that investor to experience an investment gain on their fund shares; however, the investor will remain vulnerable to downside risk.

Since at the end of each Target Outcome Period a new cap and buffer are established based on the then current price of the underlying ETF, an investor who holds fund shares through multiple Target Outcome Periods may fail to experience gains comparable to the underlying ETF over time or recapture losses from prior Target Outcome Periods and may have losses that exceed those of the underlying ETF.

A fund that effects all or a portion of its creations and redemptions for cash rather than in-kind may be less tax-efficient.

A fund may be subject to the risk that a counterparty will not fulfill its obligations which may result in significant financial loss to a fund.

Current market conditions risk is the risk that a particular investment, or shares of the fund in general, may fall in value due to current market conditions. As a means to fight inflation, the Federal Reserve and certain foreign central banks have raised interest rates and expect to continue to do so, and the Federal Reserve has announced that it intends to reverse previously implemented quantitative easing. Recent and potential future bank failures could result in disruption to the broader banking industry or markets generally and reduce confidence in financial institutions and the economy as a whole, which may also heighten market volatility and reduce liquidity. Ongoing armed conflicts between Russia and Ukraine in Europe and among Israel, Hamas and other militant groups in the Middle East, have caused and could continue to cause significant market disruptions and volatility within the markets in Russia, Europe, the Middle East and the United States. The hostilities and sanctions resulting from those hostilities have and could continue to have a significant impact on certain fund investments as well as fund performance and liquidity. The COVID-19 global pandemic, or any future public health crisis, and the ensuing policies enacted by governments and central banks have caused and may continue to cause significant volatility and uncertainty in global financial markets, negatively impacting global growth prospects.

A fund is susceptible to operational risks through breaches in cyber security. Such events could cause a fund to incur regulatory penalties, reputational damage, additional compliance costs associated with corrective measures and/or financial loss.

Trading FLEX Options involves risks different from, or possibly greater than, the risks associated with investing directly in securities. A fund may experience substantial downside from specific FLEX Option positions and certain FLEX Option positions may expire worthless. There can be no guarantee that a liquid secondary trading market will exist for the FLEX Options and FLEX options may be less liquid than exchange-traded options.

FLEX Options are subject to correlation risk and a FLEX Option's value may be highly volatile, and may fluctuate substantially during a short period of time. FLEX Options will be exercisable at the strike price only on their expiration date. Prior to the expiration date, the value of the FLEX Options will be determined based upon market quotations or other recognized pricing methods. In the absence of readily available market quotations for fund holdings, a fund's advisor may determine the fair value of the holding, which requires the advisor's judgement and is subject to the risk of mispricing or improper valuation.

A fund may be a constituent of one or more indices or models which could greatly affect a fund's trading activity, size and volatility.

Information technology companies are subject to certain risks, including rapidly changing technologies, short product life cycles, fierce competition, aggressive pricing and reduced profit margins, loss of patent, copyright and trademark protections, cyclical market patterns, evolving industry standards and regulation and frequent new product introductions.

Large capitalization companies may grow at a slower rate than the overall market.

The portfolio managers of an actively managed portfolio will apply investment techniques and risk analyses that may not have the desired result.

Market risk is the risk that a particular security, or shares of a fund in general may fall in value. Securities are subject to market fluctuations caused by such factors as general economic conditions, political events, regulatory or market developments, changes in interest rates and perceived trends in securities prices. Shares of a fund could decline in value or underperform other investments as a result. In addition, local, regional or global events such as war, acts of terrorism, spread of infectious disease or other public health issues, recessions, natural disasters or other events could have significant negative impact on a fund.

A fund faces numerous market trading risks, including the potential lack of an active market for fund shares due to a limited number of market makers. Decisions by market makers or authorized participants to reduce their role or step away in times of market stress could inhibit the effectiveness of the arbitrage process in maintaining the relationship between the underlying values of a fund's portfolio securities and a fund's market price.

Large inflows and outflows may impact a new fund's market exposure for limited periods of time.

A fund classified as "non-diversified" may invest a relatively high percentage of its assets in a limited number of issuers. As a result, a fund may be more susceptible to a single adverse economic or regulatory occurrence affecting one or more of these issuers, experience increased volatility and be highly concentrated in certain issuers.

A fund and a fund's advisor may seek to reduce various operational risks through controls and procedures, but it is not possible to completely protect against such risks. The fund also relies on third parties for a range of services, including custody, and any delay or failure related to those services may affect the fund's ability to meet its objective.

The prices of options are volatile and the effective use of options depends on a fund's ability to terminate option positions at times deemed desirable to do so. There is no assurance that a fund will be able to effect closing transactions at any particular time or at an acceptable price.

The market price of a fund's shares will generally fluctuate in accordance with changes in the fund's net asset value ("NAV") as well as the relative supply of and demand for shares on the exchange, and a fund's investment advisor cannot predict whether shares will trade below, at or above their NAV.

A fund with significant exposure to a single asset class, country, region, industry, or sector may be more affected by an adverse economic or political development than a broadly diversified fund.

A target outcome fund's investment strategy is designed to deliver returns if shares are bought on the first day that the fund enters into the FLEX Options and are held until the FLEX Options expire at the end of the Target Outcome Period subject to the cap.

If, in any year, a fund which intends to qualify as a Registered Investment Company (RIC) under the applicable tax laws fails to do so, it would be taxed as an ordinary corporation. The federal income tax treatment of the securities in which a fund may invest, including a fund's option strategy, may not be clear or may be subject to recharacterization by the Internal Revenue Service. It could be more difficult to comply with the tax requirements applicable to RICs if the tax characterization of investments or the tax treatment of the income from such investments were successfully challenged by the Internal Revenue Service.

Trading on an exchange may be halted due to market conditions or other reasons. There can be no assurance that a fund's requirements to maintain the exchange listing will continue to be met or be unchanged.

A fund that invests in FLEX Options that reference an ETF is subject to certain of the risks of owning shares of an ETF as well as the risks of the types of instruments in which the reference ETF invests.

An underlying ETF with investments that are concentrated in a single asset class, country, region, industry, or sector may be more affected by adverse events than the market as a whole.

A fund that invests in FLEX Options that reference an ETF has exposure to the equity securities market. Equity securities may decline significantly in price over short or extended periods of time, and such declines may occur in the equity market as a whole, or they may occur in only a particular country, company, industry or sector of the market.

First Trust Advisors L.P. (FTA) is the adviser to the First Trust fund(s). FTA is an affiliate of First Trust Portfolios L.P., the distributor of the fund(s).

The Target Outcome registered trademarks are registered trademarks of Vest Financial LLC.

The fund is not sponsored, endorsed, sold or promoted by SPDR® S&P 500® ETF Trust, PDR, or Standard & Poor's® (together with their affiliates hereinafter referred to as the "Corporations"). The Corporations have not passed on the legality or suitability of, or the accuracy or adequacy of, descriptions and disclosures relating to the fund or the FLEX Options. The Corporations make no representations or warranties, express or implied, regarding the advisability of investing in the fund or the FLEX Options or results to be obtained by the fund or the FLEX Options, shareholders or any other person or entity from use of the SPDR® S&P 500® ETF Trust. The Corporations have no liability in connection with the management, administration, marketing or trading of the fund or the FLEX Options.

CUSIP identifiers have been provided by CUSIP Global Services, managed on behalf of the American Bankers Association by FactSet Research Systems Inc. and are not for use or dissemination in a manner that would serve as a substitute for any CUSIP service. The CUSIP Database, ©2024 CUSIP Global Services. "CUSIP" is a registered trademark of the American Bankers Association.
Not FDIC Insured • Not Bank Guaranteed • May Lose Value