ファーストトラスト TCW オポチュニスティック債券ETF
First Trust TCW Opportunistic Fixed Income ETF
2025/01/02時点投資アドバイザーは、一定の資産水準においてファンドの運用報酬を減額する報酬制度を導入しました。 詳細については、ファンドの追加情報報告書をご覧ください。
設定時に1 万ドル分を保有していた場合の推移 *
2024/12/31時点ファンド・パフォーマンス * | 3ヶ月 | 年初来 | 1年 | 3年 | 5年 | 10年 | 設定来† |
基準価額(NAV) | -3.70% | 0.92% | 0.92% | -3.34% | -0.51% | N/A | 1.21% |
市場価格 | -4.04% | 0.51% | 0.51% | -3.35% | -0.58% | N/A | 1.19% |
  |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |
指数パフォーマンス ** | 3ヶ月 | 年初来 | 1年 | 3年 | 5年 | 10年 | 設定来† |
Bloomberg US Aggregate Bond Index | -3.06% | 1.25% | 1.25% | -2.41% | -0.33% | N/A | 1.28% |
† 設定日 2017/02/14
2024/12/31時点ファンド・パフォーマンス * | 3ヶ月 | 年初来 | 1年 | 3年 | 5年 | 10年 | 設定来† |
基準価額(NAV) | -3.70% | 0.92% | 0.92% | -3.34% | -0.51% | N/A | 1.21% |
市場価格 | -4.04% | 0.51% | 0.51% | -3.35% | -0.58% | N/A | 1.19% |
  |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |
指数パフォーマンス ** | 3ヶ月 | 年初来 | 1年 | 3年 | 5年 | 10年 | 設定来† |
Bloomberg US Aggregate Bond Index | -3.06% | 1.25% | 1.25% | -2.41% | -0.33% | N/A | 1.28% |
† 設定日 2017/02/14
2024/12/31時点標準偏差 標準偏差は、価格の変動性(リスク) の尺度です。
| アルファ アルファは、ファンドがベンチマークと比較し、リスク調整後でどの程度アウトパフォームまたはアンダーパフォームしたかを示すものです。
| ベータ ベータは、市場に対する価格の変動性を示す指標です。
| シャープレシオ シャープレシオは、ボラティリティ単位当たりの超過報酬の尺度です。
| 相関関係 相関関係は、パフォーマンスの類似性を示す尺度です。
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該当する情報はありません。 |
* 表示されているパフォーマンスデータは過去のものです。過去のパフォーマンスは将来の結果を保証するものではなく、現在のパフォーマンスは過去のパフォーマンスより高かったり低かったりします。投資収益および元本価値は変動するため、ファンドを売却または償還する際、元の価格より高くなる場合もあれば、低くなる場合もあります。
Returns do not represent the returns you would receive if you traded shares at other times. Market Price returns are determined by using the midpoint of the national best bid offer price ("NBBO") as of the time that the fund's NAV is calculated. Returns are average annualized total returns, except those for periods of less than one year, which are cumulative.
** Performance information for each listed index is for illustrative purposes only and does not represent actual fund performance. Indexes do not charge management fees or brokerage expenses, and no such fees or expenses were deducted from the performance shown. Indexes are unmanaged and an investor cannot invest directly in an index.
Bloomberg US Aggregate Bond Index - The Index covers the investment-grade, U.S. dollar-denominated, fixed-rate taxable bond market, including Treasuries, government-related and corporate securities, MBS, ABS, and CMBS.
2025/01/08時点  | 2024 | 2025/01/01 - 2025/03/31 | 2025/04/01 - 2025/06/30 | 2025/07/01 - 2025/09/30 |
プレミアムで取引された日数 | 158 | 0 | --- | --- |
ディスカウントで取引された日数 | 94 | 5 | --- | --- |
証券名 | 証券コード | CUSIP | 株数・数量 | 時価総額 | 組入比率 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
該当する情報はありません。 |
取引通貨 | 想定元本エクスポージャー (現地通貨) | 想定元本エクスポージャー(米ドル) | 損益 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
該当する情報はありません。 |
2025/01/08時点現金を除きます。 保有証券は変更される可能性があります。
2024/12/31時点信用力および格付情報は、S&P グローバル・レーティングスやムーディーズ・インベスターズ・サービス、フィッチ・レーティングスなど、1つ以上の全米公認格付機関(NRSRO)が付与した格付を反映しています。ある証券が複数のNRSROにより格付され、その格付が同等でない場合は、最も高い格付が使用されます。サブ投資適格格付はBB+/Ba1以下の格付です。投資適格格付はBBB-/Baa3以上の格付を指します。「NR」 は評価がないことを示します。表示されている信用格付は、ファンドの原証券の発行体の信用力に関するものであり、ファンドまたはその株式に関するものではありません。米国国債、米国政府機関債および米国政府機関モーゲージ担保証券は「政府/政府機関」の下に表示されます。信用格付は変更される場合があります。
権利落日 | 基準日 | 支払日 | 分配金額 | 分配金の種類 通常の分配金には、実現した短期キャピタルゲインおよび/または資本の返還が含まれる場合があります。当年度に支払われたすべての分配金の源泉と課税状況の最終決定は、年末以降に行われます。当ファンドは、連邦所得税法上における分配金の申告方法を記載した当年度のフォーム1099-DIVを送付します。
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該当する情報はありません。 |
You should consider the fund's investment objectives, risks, and charges and expenses carefully before investing. You can download a prospectus or summary prospectus, or contact First Trust Portfolios L.P. at 1-800-621-1675 to request a prospectus or summary prospectus which contains this and other information about the fund. The prospectus or summary prospectus should be read carefully before investing.
You could lose money by investing in a fund. An investment in a fund is not a deposit of a bank and is not insured or guaranteed. There can be no assurance that a fund's objective(s) will be achieved. Investors buying or selling shares on the secondary market may incur customary brokerage commissions. Please refer to each fund's prospectus and Statement of Additional Information for additional details on a fund's risks. The order of the below risk factors does not indicate the significance of any particular risk factor.
Asset-backed securities are a type of debt security and are generally not backed by the full faith and credit of the U.S. government and are subject to the risk of default on the underlying asset or loan, particularly during periods of economic downturn.
Unlike mutual funds, shares of the fund may only be redeemed directly from a fund by authorized participants in very large creation/redemption units. If a fund's authorized participants are unable to proceed with creation/redemption orders and no other authorized participant is able to step forward to create or redeem, fund shares may trade at a premium or discount to a fund's net asset value and possibly face delisting and the bid/ask spread may widen.
Investments in bank loans are subject to the same risks as other debt securities, but the risks may be heightened because of limited public information available and because loan borrowers may be leveraged and tend to be more adversely affected by changes in market or economic conditions. The secondary market for bank loans may be subject to irregular trading activity, wide bid/ask spreads and extended trade settlement periods.
During periods of falling interest rates if an issuer calls higher-yielding debt instruments, a fund may be forced to invest the proceeds at lower interest rates, likely resulting in a decline in the fund's income.
A fund that effects all or a portion of its creations and redemptions for cash rather than in-kind may be less tax-efficient.
Collateralized loan obligations ("CLOs") carry additional risks, including the possibility that distributions from collateral securities will not be adequate to make interest or other payments, the quality of the collateral may decline in value or default, the possibility that the investments in CLOs are subordinate to other classes or tranches, and the complex structure of the security may not be fully understood at the time of investment and may produce disputes with the issuer or unexpected investment results.
A fund may be subject to the risk that a counterparty will not fulfill its obligations which may result in significant financial loss to a fund.
Covenant-lite loans contain fewer maintenance covenants than traditional loans and may not include terms that allow the lender to monitor the financial performance of the borrower and declare a default if certain criteria are breached. This may hinder a fund's ability to mitigate problems and increase a fund's exposure to losses on such investments.
An issuer or other obligated party of a debt security may be unable or unwilling to make dividend, interest and/or principal payments when due and the value of a security may decline as a result.
An investment in credit default swaps involves greater risks than if a fund had invested in the reference obligation directly. These risks include general market, liquidity, counterparty, credit and leverage risks.
Ratings assigned by a credit rating agency are opinions of such entities, not absolute standards of credit quality and they do not evaluate risks of securities. Any shortcomings or inefficiencies in the process of determining credit ratings may adversely affect the credit ratings of the securities held by a fund and their perceived or actual credit risk.
Changes in currency exchange rates and the relative value of non-US currencies may affect the value of a fund's investments and the value of a fund's shares.
Current market conditions risk is the risk that a particular investment, or shares of the fund in general, may fall in value due to current market conditions. For example, changes in governmental fiscal and regulatory policies, disruptions to banking and real estate markets, actual and threatened international armed conflicts and hostilities, and public health crises, among other significant events, could have a material impact on the value of the fund's investments.
A fund is susceptible to operational risks through breaches in cyber security. Such events could cause a fund to incur regulatory penalties, reputational damage, additional compliance costs associated with corrective measures and/or financial loss.
Investments in debt securities subject the holder to the credit risk of the issuer and the value of debt securities will generally change inversely with changes in interest rates. In addition, debt securities generally do not trade on a securities exchange making them less liquid and more difficult to value.
The use of derivatives instruments involves different and possibly greater risks than investing directly in securities including counterparty risk, valuation risk, volatility risk, and liquidity risk. Further, losses because of adverse movements in the price or value of the underlying asset, index or rate may be magnified by certain features of the derivatives.
Distressed securities are speculative and often illiquid or trade in low volumes and thus may be more difficult to value and pose a substantial risk of default.
Investments in emerging market securities are generally considered speculative and involve additional risks relating to political, economic and regulatory conditions.
Equity securities may decline significantly in price over short or extended periods of time, and such declines may occur in the equity market as a whole, or they may occur in only a particular country, company, industry or sector of the market.
Extension risk is the risk that, when interest rates rise, certain obligations will be paid off by the issuer (or other obligated party) more slowly than anticipated, causing the value of these debt securities to fall. Rising interest rates tend to extend the duration of debt securities, making their market value more sensitive to changes in interest rates.
Floating rate securities are structured so that the security's coupon rate fluctuates based upon the level of a reference rate. As a result, the coupon on floating rate securities will generally decline in a falling interest rate environment, causing a fund to experience a reduction in the income it receives from the security. A floating rate security's coupon rate resets periodically according to the terms of the security. Consequently, in a rising interest rate environment, floating rate securities with coupon rates that reset infrequently may lag behind the changes in market interest rates.
The market for forward contracts is substantially unregulated and can experience lengthy periods of illiquidity, unusually high trading volume and other negative impacts, such as political intervention. Forward contracts can increase a fund's risk exposure to underlying references and their attendant risks, such as credit risk, currency risk, market risk, and interest rate risk, while also exposing a fund to counterparty risk, liquidity risk and valuation risk, among others.
The risk of a position in a futures contract may be very large compared to the relatively low level of margin a fund is required to deposit and a relatively small price movement in a futures contract may result in immediate and substantial loss relative to the size of margin deposit.
High yield securities, or "junk" bonds, are less liquid and are subject to greater market fluctuations and risk of loss than securities with higher ratings, and therefore, are considered to be highly speculative.
A fund's income may decline when interest rates fall or if there are defaults in its portfolio.
A fund may be a constituent of one or more indices or models which could greatly affect a fund's trading activity, size and volatility.
As inflation increases, the present value of a fund's assets and distributions may decline.
Inflation-indexed debt securities, such as TIPS, are subject to the same risks as other debt securities. Although the holders of TIPS receive no less than the par value of the security at maturity, if a fund purchases TIPS in the secondary market whose principal values have previously been adjusted upward and there is a period of subsequent declining inflation rates, a fund may receive at maturity less than it invested and incur a loss.
Interest rate risk is the risk that the value of the debt securities in a fund's portfolio will decline because of rising interest rates. Interest rate risk is generally lower for shorter term debt securities and higher for longer-term debt securities.
Leverage may result in losses that exceed the amount originally invested and may accelerate the rates of losses. Leverage tends to magnify, sometimes significantly, the effect of any increase or decrease in a fund's exposure to an asset or class of assets and may cause the value of a fund's shares to be volatile and sensitive to market swings.
To the extent a fund invests in floating or variable rate obligations that use the London Interbank Offered Rate ("LIBOR") as a reference interest rate, it is subject to LIBOR Risk. LIBOR has ceased to be made available as a reference rate and there is no assurance that any alternative reference rate, including the Secured Overnight Financing Rate ("SOFR"), will be similar to or produce the same value or economic equivalence as LIBOR. The unavailability or replacement of LIBOR may affect the value, liquidity or return on certain fund investments and may result in costs incurred in connection with closing out positions and entering into new trades. Any potential effects of the transition away from LIBOR on a fund or on certain instruments in which a fund invests is difficult to predict and could result in losses to the fund.
Certain fund investments may be subject to restrictions on resale, trade over-the-counter or in limited volume, or lack an active trading market. Illiquid securities may trade at a discount and may be subject to wide fluctuations in market value.
The portfolio managers of an actively managed portfolio will apply investment techniques and risk analyses that may not have the desired result.
Market risk is the risk that a particular security, or shares of a fund in general may fall in value. Securities are subject to market fluctuations caused by such factors as general economic conditions, political events, regulatory or market developments, changes in interest rates and perceived trends in securities prices. Shares of a fund could decline in value or underperform other investments as a result. In addition, local, regional or global events such as war, acts of terrorism, spread of infectious disease or other public health issues, recessions, natural disasters or other events could have significant negative impact on a fund.
A fund faces numerous market trading risks, including the potential lack of an active market for fund shares due to a limited number of market makers. Decisions by market makers or authorized participants to reduce their role or step away in times of market stress could inhibit the effectiveness of the arbitrage process in maintaining the relationship between the underlying values of a fund's portfolio securities and a fund's market price.
A fund that holds cash or invests in money market or short-term securities may be less likely to achieve its investment objective and could lose money.
Mortgage-related securities are more susceptible to adverse economic, political or regulatory events that affect the value of real estate.
The values of municipal securities may be adversely affected by local political and economic conditions and developments. Income from municipal securities could be declared taxable because of, among other things, unfavorable changes in tax laws, adverse interpretations by the Internal Revenue Service or state tax authorities, or noncompliant conduct of an issuer.
There are no government or agency guarantees of payments in securities offered by non- government issuers, therefore they are subject to the credit risk of the issuer. Non-agency securities often trade "over-the-counter" and there may be a limited market for them making them difficult to value.
Securities of non-U.S. issuers are subject to additional risks, including currency fluctuations, political risks, withholding, lack of liquidity, lack of adequate financial information, and exchange control restrictions impacting non-U.S. issuers.
A fund and a fund's advisor may seek to reduce various operational risks through controls and procedures, but it is not possible to completely protect against such risks. The fund also relies on third parties for a range of services, including custody, and any delay or failure related to those services may affect the fund's ability to meet its objective.
The prices of options are volatile and the effective use of options depends on a fund's ability to terminate option positions at times deemed desirable to do so. There is no assurance that a fund will be able to effect closing transactions at any particular time or at an acceptable price.
Because OTC derivatives do not trade on an exchange, the parties to an OTC derivative face heightened levels of counterparty risk, liquidity risk and valuation risk.
High portfolio turnover may result in higher levels of transaction costs and may generate greater tax liabilities for shareholders.
Preferred securities combine some of the characteristics of both common stocks and bonds. Preferred stocks are typically subordinated to other debt instruments in terms of priority to corporate income, and therefore will be subject to greater credit risk than those debt instruments.
The market price of a fund's shares will generally fluctuate in accordance with changes in the fund's net asset value ("NAV") as well as the relative supply of and demand for shares on the exchange, and a fund's investment advisor cannot predict whether shares will trade below, at or above their NAV.
Prepayment risk is the risk that the issuer of a debt security will repay principal prior to the scheduled maturity date. Debt securities allowing prepayment may offer less potential for gains during a period of declining interest rates, as a fund may be required to reinvest the proceeds of any prepayment at lower interest rates.
If a fund's counterparty defaults on its obligations and a fund is delayed or prevented from recovering collateral, or if the value of the collateral is insufficient, a fund may realize a loss.
A fund may be unable to sell a restricted security on short notice or only sell them at a price below current value.
Companies that issue loans tend to be highly leveraged and thus are more susceptible to the risks of interest deferral, default and/or bankruptcy. Loans are usually rated below investment grade but may also be unrated. As a result, the risks associated with these loans are similar to the risks of high-yield fixed income instruments. The senior loan market has seen a significant increase in loans with weaker lender protections which may impact recovery values and/or trading levels in the future.
A fund with significant exposure to a single asset class, country, region, industry, or sector may be more affected by an adverse economic or political development than a broadly diversified fund.
Investments in sovereign bonds involve special risks because the governmental authority that controls the repayment of the debt may be unwilling or unable to repay the principal and/or interest when due. In times of economic uncertainty, the prices of these securities may be more volatile than those of corporate debt or other government debt obligations.
Swap agreements may involve greater risks than direct investment in securities and could result in losses if the underlying reference or asset does not perform as anticipated. In addition, many swaps trade over-the-counter and may be considered illiquid.
Trading on an exchange may be halted due to market conditions or other reasons. There can be no assurance that a fund's requirements to maintain the exchange listing will continue to be met or be unchanged.
Securities issued or guaranteed by federal agencies and U.S. government sponsored instrumentalities may or may not be backed by the full faith and credit of the U.S. government.
A fund may hold securities or other assets that may be valued on the basis of factors other than market quotations. This may occur because the asset or security does not trade on a centralized exchange, or in times of market turmoil or reduced liquidity. Portfolio holdings that are valued using techniques other than market quotations, including "fair valued" assets or securities, may be subject to greater fluctuation in their valuations from one day to the next than if market quotations were used. There is no assurance that a fund could sell or close out a portfolio position for the value established for it at any time.
The purchase of securities on a when-issued, TBA ("to be announced"), delayed delivery or forward commitment basis may give rise to investment leverage and increase a fund's volatility and exposure to default.
First Trust Advisors L.P. (FTA) is the adviser to the First Trust fund(s). FTA is an affiliate of First Trust Portfolios L.P., the distributor of the fund(s).
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